Thursday, May 2, 2013

Paul shaves his head? Acts 18

Did anyone else notice that buried in the midst of today's reading was this small detail about Paul making a trip to the barber's shop in Cenchrae?  I literally had to look twice at the text to see if I had read what I had just read.  And, yes indeed Paul cut his hair because Luke says he had a vow.  Now it seems that Paul might have been a Nazirite, a Jew who had dedicated himself to God in a unique way.  As a Nazirite, he may have taken vows to avoid alcoholic drinks and engage in certaining grooming habits, like cutting his hair every 30 days or  growing his hair out and shaving his head upon completion of his Nazirite vow. Biblical scholar are not in agreement about whether or not this shaving his head was a regular part of his vow or the completion of the vows he had made.  After learning that Paul may have taken vows as a way to dedicate his life to God, I began thinking about the vows we make as Christians.  Certainly those of us who have been baptized and confirmed have take vows about how  we will follow Christ. For those of us who are ordained we have taken ordination vows about how we will serve Christ and His church.  Like Paul, most of us have promised to follow God in certain ways. I wonder how are you fulfilling your baptismal promises and vows? Where do you struggle to keep the vows you've made?  

F.Y.I.: Just taking The Challenge fulfills at least one of our baptismal vows, "to continue in the Apostles teaching..." Keep up the good work.  

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