Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Challenge Draws to a close

We have less than a week left in this years bible challenge.  By this time next week you will have read the entire Gospel of Matthew. Congratulations on this not small feat!

As we move during this last week. We come to Jesus death and resurrection.  As Jesus' time on earth draws to a close, Matthew treats his readers to one of the most important stories in the corpus of Holy Scripture, The Great Commission.  The Great Commission is Jesus commission to his follow to go and make disciples-baptizing others and ultimately leading people to a life centered in God.  But not only is that commission for Jesus followers two thousand years ago, that is a commission for you and I.  We are called to go and make disciples!  Wow, what a great honor to join Christ in his work to help other people to follow Jesus.

As this year's Challenge draws to a close and as we hear Jesus' commission, how are you being called to make disciples?  How are being called to bring Christ story to the world so that other's might decided to follow him?

We have been given a great commission, but will we accept?

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