Thursday, May 22, 2014

Reflections on Matthew 21:1-22:46

Matthew 21:1-22:46

Jesus returns to Jerusalem, knowing he is getting closer to the end – an unpleasant end, but he keeps moving towards it. I was struck by the contrasts of Jesus as a gentle king and in the next scene he is angry, then back to the gentle Jesus. Jesus enters Jerusalem as the gentle king riding on a donkey fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah then He enters the temple overturning tables, yelling at the money changers and sellers. Wow, that is quite the contrast! To add to that, the blind and lame are healed by Jesus in the next paragraph, then he curses a fig tree because it has no fruit for him!

It seems that Jesus keeps going back and forth – gentle then angry then gentle again. I’m uncomfortable with these sudden changes of mood; it’s too human. It reminds me of myself – happy, kind, angry, sad, mean all in one day. How can this be the Messiah? Isn’t Jesus supposed to be nice, gentle, loving all the time?

Perhaps Matthew included all these stories together to remind us that Jesus was human too. He knows the frustration of seeing someone take advantage of others. He knows the compassion we feel for those who are hurting. He understands the disappointment of not getting what we want, expect or need. So when we cry out in anger, frustration, sadness, or fear Jesus can say, “I’ve been there, I know how you feel. We will get through this together.”

Now that is comforting! I know that Jesus has walked this road and will be there to walk with me. I can cry out and be understood by the King of Kings!

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