Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reflections on Matthew 19:1-20:34

Matthew 19:1-20:34

During this week’s readings Jesus continues to turn the world upside down. Over and over again he says “the last shall be first and the first shall be last.” He tells the religious leaders that Moses allowed for divorce because their hearts were hard. No wonder they were angry with him! Who is he to judge the religious leaders and teachers of the law? They decided what was right and wrong; who was in and who was out. But Jesus tells them that they are NOT the judges. He keeps trying to tell them that they are concentrating on the wrong things.

Jesus continues to show everyone that it is the outcast, downtrodden and burdened that will inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus blesses the children and insists that the kingdom of God is for them. Jesus is saying that children are meant for more than “being seen and not heard.” They have something valuable to contribute to the kingdom. This is in contrast to the rich man who keeps the commandments but is unwilling to sell everything he has and give it to the poor. The wealthy man of stature is missing something that the little children have.

What is it that these children have that the rich man doesn’t? I think it is an openness to see Jesus for what He is – the Messiah. We call it faith, but there is so much more to it than that. It is seeing Jesus in others, regardless of economic standing, race, creed or color. It is accepting the gifts that God gives us every day with gratitude. It is loving others and sharing what we have. It is leading with our heart and acting out of love, not with a motive or an expectation of something in return.

Do something “childish” this week and be open to Jesus by loving others with abandon!

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