Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Peter Preaches: Acts 2:14-36

The story continues today with what I believe to be Peter's first sermon.  He immediately responds to those in the crowd who claim that the disciples are drunk on wine with an acclamation that this not is a work of wine, but of God's Holy Spirit.  Peter masterfully uses the prophet Joel and King David to help interpret the events that are now occurring in their midst.  Joel speaks of the Spirit's movement during the last days and David about the coming messiah and that messiah's resurrection.    Peter concludes the sermon by exhorting the crowd to realize that this Jesus that was crucified is Lord and Messiah.  As I have reflected on this story, I can't help but wonder about this word messiah. One way to define messiah is as a liberator.  How do we see Christ as liberator?  What does Christ  liberate us from?  From sin? From death? From fear?  From walking through this life without God?


  1. Jo Meachem (Good Shepherd, Buffalo)April 3, 2013 at 3:10 PM

    I'm delighted to see that you have also chosen the pathway of Acts - it struck me as one good way to see what the Disciples and Apostles were doing after they saw that the promise had been fulfilled.
    You pose interesting questions! What does Christ Liberate us from? from Sin... Hmmmm... from a personal perspective, I see all too clearly that, as much as I might want to rise above sin, I seem to fall down flat on my face every other step! But when I do fall, if I repent and return to God, he lifts me up, again and again, and welcomes me back into his love. From Death? or maybe from the Power that Death once had over us, by affirming that there is something beyond death that we can hope for. From Fear? I think fear in some form or another is almost always with us, unless we have truly been able to put all of ourselves and our lives into God's hands, with a firm knowledge that he will provide - which I think is easy to talk about and very hard to do - at least for me! I can only keep trying! From walking throughthis life without God? I can only say that I know many people of Faith who are not necessarily Christian who do walk with God every day, so I guess my answer to that is, maybe not. I know many Jews and Muslims who are strong in their fsith in God/Allah, but do not see Christ as the Messiah, and also some who claim to be Non-believers who nevertheless walk the walk, perhaps just unaware that God is guiding them on their daily path.

  2. Thanks Jo for your thoughtful comments-so glad that some folks form Good Shepherd are joining us in taking the Challenge

  3. Referencing being liberated from death I LOVE the CEB translation of 2:24 that reads, in part: it was impossible for death to hang on to [Jesus].
    What are we freed from? The grip of eternal death. Through Jesus we death cannot hang on to us. Good news, indeed.

  4. I love that image of death being unable to hang onto Jesus!!!I think that will preach. Good news!
